
What’s in Law For You

Law For You has three main streams:

  1. Topics: Information about the law for specific legal problems. The available topics are listed on the home page;
  2. Law in the Lounge: Entertaining reviews and general information for those of you who enjoy reading about the law can be found in TV Books and Movies and Law Spot – links on the home page;
  3. General information: About us, disclaimers, interaction, etc. These are accessible at the bottom of each page.



The largest part of this site is devoted to helping you with legal problems. We recognise that different people need different levels of assistance when dealing with the law, so what we’ve tried to do is give you a range of options.

Under each topic, you’ll find:

  1. Fact sheets about the law;
  2. More Help sheets where you can find:

    • information about where you can find a lawyer;
    • information about where you can get other assistance. e.g. law related services such as mediation, conveyancing companies, process servers, etc;
    • useful forms and letters that you can download and use yourself;
    • information about do-it-yourself products;
    • information about: useful books and training;
    • links to other good research sites;
    • links to legislation (if the Government has made it available on-line); and
    • a glossary which explains those curly legal words.


To find the information you want:

  • Select which State or Territory you want information about. Do this by selecting from the drop down box at the top of the left frame.
  • Click on the legal topic on the home page. This takes you to a Contents page.
  • On each Contents page there are:
  • fact sheets that explain the law relevant to that particular topic; and
  • links to the More Help pages.
  • If you want to look at a fact sheet, click on this from the Contents page.
  • Read the fact sheet. You can either scroll down or use the headings that are listed at the top of the left frame.
  • If you want to read another fact sheet, you don’t have to go back to the Contents page. Other fact sheets are listed at the bottom of the left frame. Click on the one you want.
  • If you want to go to any of the More Help pages. Click on the “Help” drop-down box on the left frame and select the desired help sheet.
  • If you want information about another topic. Click on “Home” at the bottom of each page or the “Law for you” icon in the top right hand corner of each page.



Law in the lounge currently contains two topics:

  • TV, books and movies – for reviews “with a difference” about all your legal/cops and robber entertainment.
  • Law spot – making the day to day news about the law something you can understand and not scratch your head about.
  • Footy law – for the nuts and bolts about the Tribunal, Appeal Board, Courts and contracts.


To find the information you want:

  1. Click on TV Books and Movies.
  2. Click on a book, movie or television program review that you want to look at.
  3. Check it out. The navigation box to the right of the title lets you quickly move to any part of the review. Go to home using home icon in left frame or click on the Law for you icon.
  4. Click on Law Spot.
  5. Click on an article that interests you.
  6. Check it out. The navigation box to the right of the title lets you quickly move to any part of the article. Go to home using home icon in left frame or click on Law for you icon.
  7. Click on Footy Law.
  8. If you are interested in the Tribunal, choose a fact sheet. Note, the information in the fact sheets is illustrated by our Cybergame. You will find links throughout the fact sheets that take you to the game, then links that return you to the fact sheet. If you just want the Cybergame, use the navigation tools at the top or bottom of each page.
  9. If you want to have your say at Footy Spot, click on the “new” title, read and start typing. Bets review each month published online.
  10. If you want to read previous Footy Spot editorials and the best “have your say”, click on these from the Footy Law page.



This is where you’ll find:

  • Law at your door – enables you to subscribe for updates about the site.
  • Tips and tiffs – our bulletin board lets you exchange information about the law with other people.
  • Search – our search engine lets you find information quickly.
  • Feedback – tell us what you think.
  • About us – here it is, if you’re interested.
  • Site map – the site at a glance.
  • Disclaimers – essential reading.
  • E-mail us – any comments, requests, suggestions etc.
  • Acknowledgments – lest we forget.


  • Law at your door
  1. Click on Law at your door at bottom of all pages.
  2. Choose:
    • Topic updates
    • New topics
    • Law spot
    • TV, books and movies
  3. Fill in your name, e-mail.
  4. Click Join.
  5. If you want to cancel at any time, again fill in your name and e-mail and click on Cancel.
  • Tips and tiffs
  1. Click on Tips and Tiffs at bottom of all pages.
  2. View messages posted to Tips and tiffs room, by clicking on the message of your choice.
  3. This takes you to another page where you can read the message and respond if you want to.
  4. If you want to add a message, click on Post a Message.
  5. This takes you to the next page, where you can type in your name, the subject that you are writing about, and the message.
  6. Click on home to return to home page at any time.
  • Search
  1. Type in query on home page. Or click search in bottom bar and type in query in search box.
  • Feedback
  1. Click on Feedback in bottom bar of any page.
  2. Type in:
  • Subject
  • Comments
  • Name
  • City/State
  • E-mail address:
  • About us, Site map, Disclaimers, E-mail us, Acknowledgments

Click on any of these from the bottom bar.